Helping parents of children with Autism navigate their journey, with less stress & more joy

Whether it's understanding the diagnosis, the therapies and support services available, learning your child's rights and how to advocate for them, finding services and programs, understanding your child's strengths, challenges and behaviors, getting effective systems and structures in place to decrease stress and behaviors or working through your emotions, communication and relationships... 

I am here for you.

As parents, we want to help our children live their best life. 

I have worked in the healthcare industry for almost 20 years, supervising hundreds of therapists, owning a pediatric therapy center & sensory gym, coaching countless parents and also have 2 incredible twin boys with Autism.

Over the years I have worked with hundreds of families, as well as a variety of providers, including speech, occupational and physical therapists, ABA providers, psychologists, psychiatrists and neurologists.

Through all of this, I stand here and support parents from a very unique perspective.  This includes not only my years of clinical experience and knowledge, but also with the understanding that only a parent of a child with special needs can have. There is no one size fits all approach for any child or family. 


I am here to help you navigate the ever changing path, find the one that is right for your family and support you through the ups and downs along the way.

My hope is that by sharing my knowledge, experience and understanding, and providing information, resources and support, I can help parents meet their child where they are, celebrate their uniqueness and help them to thrive in the greater world!  

It's time to...

  • Feel confident and knowledgeable when making parenting decisions
  • Have unlimited access to ideas, strategies, support and resources so you never have to feel alone
  • Decrease the stress and overwhelm in your days and for your family
  • Focus on loving, laughing and experiencing more joy in the moments with your family!

-Chrissy Maale, DPT


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Promote Language Development & Decrease Unwanted Behaviors!

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FREE sensory cheat sheet?

We break down each of the sensory systems, how challenges may present for each

& give actual  strategies  to help your child!!

Child Holding Placard

The Ultimate Virtual & Home Schooling Resource Guide!

Tips & strategies directly from interviews with teachers, psychologists, speech therapists and occupational therapists... all in ONE quick guide, along with direct links to recommended resources.  Read More...


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